Stack AI Review: Can new no-code platform deploy AI Applications?

In a world increasingly driven by data and artificial intelligence, the demand for efficient tools to build and deploy AI applications has never been higher. This is where Stack AI steps onto the stage. In our fast-paced digital landscape, Stack emerges as a game-changer, offering a streamlined approach to harnessing the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. 

With Stack AI, the intricate process of integrating these cutting-edge models into your product or team becomes a matter of minutes, not months. In this review, we dive deep into the world of Stack AI, exploring its features, applications, pricing, and much more. Join us on this journey as we uncover the secrets behind building and deploying AI applications with unprecedented ease and speed.

About Stack AI

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Stack AI

Stack AI is a cutting-edge platform that has redefined the way we harness the power of custom Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. With a focus on expediency and reliability, it offers an array of tools and capabilities that enable users to seamlessly integrate LLMs into their products, projects, or teams. Below, we delve into the details of how it operates and the value it brings to the table:

Streamlined Integration: Stack is designed for simplicity. It provides developers and teams with an intuitive interface to incorporate LLMs into their applications or workflows with minimal effort. This means that even if you’re not an AI expert, you can still harness the capabilities of LLMs without a steep learning curve.

Lightning-Fast Deployment: Time is of the essence in the digital age. Stack AI recognizes this and offers rapid deployment of AI applications. You can go from ideation to implementation in mere minutes, significantly reducing time-to-market for your projects.

Versatile LLM Support: Stack AI’s robust infrastructure isn’t limited to just one type of LLM. It supports various LLMs, including ChatGPT, which allows users to select the most suitable model for their specific needs.

Efficient Collaboration: This product is built to enhance teamwork. It enables seamless collaboration among team members, developers, and data scientists. This facilitates the sharing of ideas, expertise, and AI-powered solutions within your organization.

Enhanced Productivity: By leveraging LLMs like ChatGPT, Stack AI empowers users to automate a wide range of tasks. Whether it’s drafting content, answering user queries, or generating code, Stack AI significantly boosts productivity by handling repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

Scalability: As your project or user base grows, Stack AI scales with you. It provides the flexibility to adapt to increasing demands, ensuring that your AI-powered applications can handle more extensive workloads without a hitch.

Real-World Applications: Stack AI is not limited to theoretical or experimental use. It is designed to be used in real-world scenarios across various industries, including customer support, content generation, data analysis, and more.

Continuous Improvement: Stack is always evolving. The platform receives regular updates and improvements to keep up with the latest advancements in AI technology. This means you’ll continually benefit from enhanced features and capabilities.

Its user-friendly approach, rapid deployment, versatile support, and focus on real-world applications make it a valuable asset for businesses, developers, and teams looking to leverage AI to streamline their processes and create innovative solutions.

Stack AI Ratings

Stack AI has a rating of 4.5 on G2 which indicates it has a high acceptance among seasoned practitioners

Stack AI Features

Stack AI seamlessly connects and integrates data

A standout feature of the product is its remarkable ability to seamlessly connect and integrate data from virtually any source. This capability is instrumental in enhancing the functionality and utility of LLM-powered applications. Here’s a closer look at this feature:

Data Versatility: Its data connectivity feature is incredibly versatile. It can effortlessly handle data from a wide range of sources, whether it’s files stored locally, web-based content, or databases. This includes popular databases like Notion, Airtable, Postgres, and many others.

Simplified Integration: Gone are the days of complex data import processes. With Stack, integrating data into your LLM-powered application is straightforward and hassle-free. The platform is designed to simplify the entire process, making it accessible even to those without extensive technical expertise.

Real-Time Data Access: Stack doesn’t just stop at importing data; it also ensures that your application has real-time access to the latest information. This is crucial for applications that require up-to-the-minute data, such as news aggregators, stock market trackers, or dynamic content generators.

Enhanced Decision-Making: By connecting data from multiple sources, Stack AI empowers users to make more informed decisions. Whether you’re analyzing market trends, customer behavior, or research data, having a comprehensive dataset at your fingertips is invaluable.

Integration with Third-Party Tools: Stack understands the importance of working with the tools you already use. That’s why it seamlessly integrates with various third-party applications and databases, further enhancing its versatility and compatibility.

Data Security: In an age where data security is paramount, Stack AI places a high priority on ensuring that data transfers are secure and compliant with industry standards. Your data’s integrity and confidentiality are safeguarded throughout the integration process.

Automation Potential: The ability to connect data from any source also opens the door to automation. Stack AI can automate tasks like data retrieval, processing, and reporting, reducing the need for manual intervention and freeing up valuable time and resources.

In essence, the “Connect Data from Any Source” feature is a pivotal component that empowers users to leverage the full potential of their LLM-powered applications. It eliminates data silos, streamlines information flow, and enables data-driven decision-making, all while prioritizing simplicity, security, and real-time access to data from diverse origins. This feature is a testament to Stack AI’s commitment to making AI applications more powerful and accessible.

Tools designed to empower Large Language Models (LLMs)

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Stack AI llm

This capability is a game-changer, allowing users to harness the full potential of their LLMs. Here’s a closer look at this feature:

API Integration Versatility: Stack AI’s API integration feature is incredibly versatile. It provides users with the capability to connect their LLMs with a wide array of APIs. Whether you need to query data from Google Search, perform complex calculations with WolframAlpha, or access your own custom APIs, you are covered.

Real-Time Access to External Data: This feature enables LLM-powered applications to tap into external data sources in real time. Whether you’re building a virtual assistant, a data analysis tool, or a content generator, having instant access to external APIs greatly enhances the functionality and utility of your application.

Custom API Support: Stack AI recognizes that users often have specific requirements that necessitate custom APIs. The platform accommodates this by seamlessly integrating with custom APIs, allowing you to tailor your LLM’s interactions to your unique needs.

Enhanced Information Retrieval: Stack AI’s API integration feature elevates the information retrieval capabilities of your LLM. It can pull in data, conduct searches, perform calculations, or execute actions across various platforms and services, making your LLM an even more valuable asset for data-driven tasks.

Automation Potential: With the ability to integrate with external APIs, Stack AI opens the door to automation possibilities. You can create workflows that automate processes such as data gathering, analysis, and reporting. This not only saves time but also reduces the margin for error in manual tasks.

Wide Applicability: The flexibility of API integration means it can be applied across diverse domains. Whether you’re in research, business, education, or any other field, the ability to seamlessly integrate with relevant APIs can significantly enhance your LLM-powered applications.

Simplified Interaction: Stack takes the complexity out of interacting with external APIs. Even users with limited technical knowledge can leverage this feature effectively, thanks to the platform’s user-friendly interface and intuitive integration process.

Stack AI – A rich repository of templates

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Stack AI stands out with its remarkable feature – a rich repository of templates designed to kickstart various workflows, making it easier than ever to initiate your projects. These templates cover a wide spectrum of common tasks and applications, including chatbots and document question answering. Let’s delve into this feature’s specifics:

Diverse Workflow Templates: Stack AI offers a diverse library of templates meticulously crafted for numerous workflows. These templates cater to different use cases, industries, and project requirements. Whether you’re working on a customer support chatbot, a document-based Q&A system, or any other AI-powered application, there’s likely a template that closely aligns with your project’s goals.

Accelerated Project Kickstart: By leveraging these pre-built templates, users can significantly expedite the initiation of their projects. Instead of starting from scratch, you have a solid foundation to build upon. This not only saves valuable time but also ensures that you’re following best practices and proven methodologies for your chosen workflow.

Customization Flexibility: While the templates provide a starting point, they are by no means restrictive. It empowers users with the freedom to customize and fine-tune these templates to match their specific needs. This means you can tailor the workflow to your unique requirements, ensuring that it perfectly aligns with your project objectives.

Expert-Designed Solutions: The templates are carefully curated and designed by experts who understand the intricacies of each workflow. This means you’re not just getting a basic outline; you’re benefiting from the collective wisdom and expertise of professionals in your field. This ensures that your project starts on the right foot.

Consistency and Quality: Using templates promotes consistency and maintains a high standard of quality across your projects. This is particularly valuable for businesses and teams that want to ensure uniformity in their AI-powered applications and deliver a seamless user experience.

Versatility Across Industries: Stack AI’s template library caters to a wide range of industries and sectors. Whether you’re in e-commerce, healthcare, finance, education, or any other domain, you’re likely to find templates that are relevant to your specific industry. This versatility ensures that Stack AI can be a valuable asset regardless of your field.

Expert Guidance: Templates often come with built-in guidance and best practices. This means you’re not just handed a tool; you also receive expert guidance on how to make the most of it. This guidance can be especially helpful for users who may be less familiar with the intricacies of the workflow they’re working on.

Stack AI Experiment in Minutes

In the realm of AI development, experimentation is the key to innovation and improvement. Stack AI recognizes the paramount importance of experimentation and equips users with a feature that allows them to do just that and do it rapidly. Let’s dive into the specifics of this remarkable feature:

Prompt and Architecture Variability: With “Experiment in Minutes” feature, users gain the ability to swiftly test out a multitude of prompts and Large Language Model (LLM) architectures. This includes a range of sophisticated models, such as ChatGPT, GPT-3, and beyond. The click of a button is all it takes to initiate this experimentation process.

Rapid Iteration: Innovation thrives on iteration, and Stack AI streamlines this process. Instead of committing to a single prompt or architecture and hoping for the best, you can explore various combinations in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take. This accelerated iteration cycle can significantly expedite the development and refinement of your AI applications.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: In the world of AI, data is king. Stack AI’s experimentation feature enables data-driven decision-making. By testing different prompts and LLM architectures, you can gather valuable insights into what works best for your specific application. This empirical approach ensures that your AI models are fine-tuned for optimal performance.

Enhancing Model Understanding: Experimentation is not only about achieving better results; it’s also about understanding your AI models more deeply. Stack AI encourages users to explore the intricacies of different prompts and architectures, fostering a comprehensive understanding of how these elements impact the model’s behavior.

Versatility Across Projects: Whether you’re working on a chatbot, a content generation tool, a recommendation system, or any other AI application, Stack AI’s experimentation feature is versatile enough to accommodate your needs. It adapts to the unique requirements of various projects and use cases.

Seamless Workflow: The user-friendly interface of Stack AI ensures that experimentation is a seamless process. You don’t need to navigate complex setups or spend hours configuring different parameters. Instead, you can focus on the experimentation itself, with the platform handling the technical intricacies.

Real-Time Results: Immediate feedback is invaluable during experimentation. Stack AI provides real-time results, allowing you to quickly assess the performance of different prompts and architectures. This means you can make informed decisions on the spot without waiting for time-consuming batch processes.

Stack AI Fine-Tune to Your Use Case

In the dynamic landscape of AI application development, customization is paramount. Stack AI recognizes this imperative and offers a remarkable feature that allows users to fine-tune their AI models precisely to their unique use cases. Let’s delve into the details of this powerful feature:

Precision Optimization: Stack AI empowers users to collect data specific to their use case and run fine-tuning jobs. This means you can feed your model with data that aligns perfectly with your product’s requirements. By doing so, you’re not merely customizing your AI; you’re optimizing it for precision.

Tailored Performance: Every AI application has distinct demands. Whether you’re building a chatbot, a content generation tool, or a recommendation system, the performance metrics that matter to you may differ. Stack AI’s fine-tuning feature enables you to align your model’s behavior precisely with what your use case demands.

Enhanced Adaptability: Fine-tuning isn’t just about achieving a specific level of performance; it’s about making your AI model adaptable. Stack AI allows you to fine-tune your model to be more responsive to nuances in your data and user interactions. This enhanced adaptability ensures a seamless user experience.

Continuous Improvement: AI models are never static; they should continuously evolve to meet changing needs. Stack AI’s fine-tuning feature accommodates this requirement. You can iteratively fine-tune your model as your product evolves, ensuring that it remains a perfect fit for your use case.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Fine-tuning is a data-driven process. Stack AI encourages users to collect and leverage relevant data to inform the fine-tuning process. This data-centric approach ensures that your AI model’s behavior is shaped by real-world insights and user interactions.

Versatility Across Industries: Whether you’re in e-commerce, healthcare, finance, or any other industry, Stack AI’s fine-tuning feature is versatile enough to adapt to your sector’s unique demands. It doesn’t impose a one-size-fits-all approach but instead caters to the intricacies of your industry.

User-Friendly Interface: Fine-tuning an AI model can be perceived as a complex task, but Stack AI simplifies it with a user-friendly interface. You don’t need to be an AI expert to fine-tune your model effectively. The platform guides you through the process, making it accessible to a broader range of users.

Real-Time Feedback: Fine-tuning is an iterative process, and real-time feedback is essential. Stack AI provides immediate insights into the impact of your fine-tuning efforts, allowing you to adjust and refine your model on the fly.

Deliver to Users in Seconds

In the fast-paced digital landscape, speed is of the essence. Stack AI recognizes the critical importance of delivering AI-powered applications to users with minimal latency. Here’s a detailed look at how Stack AI achieves this with its cutting-edge features:

API Hosting: Stack AI excels in hosting all your workflows as APIs. This approach is fundamental in reducing latency because APIs are known for their efficiency in transmitting data and instructions. By converting your AI-powered workflows into APIs, it ensures that your applications are primed for swift execution.

Real-Time Responsiveness: Minimal latency is synonymous with real-time responsiveness. Users today expect instant results, and Stack AI’s architecture is finely tuned to meet these expectations. Whether you’re building a chatbot, a recommendation system, or any AI-powered tool, real-time interactions are paramount, and Stack AI delivers on this front.

Export Options: The platform offers versatile export options to cater to diverse user preferences. Whether your users prefer a customizable user interface, WhatsApp/SMS integration, or any other mode of interaction, Stack AI has you covered. This flexibility allows you to reach users where they are most comfortable, further enhancing the user experience.

Enhanced Accessibility: Minimizing latency isn’t just about speed; it’s also about accessibility. Stack AI’s approach ensures that your AI applications are readily accessible to users across various devices and platforms. This inclusivity is crucial in expanding your user base and ensuring broad adoption.

Scalability: As your user base grows, the demand for your AI applications increases. Stack AI is designed to scale seamlessly, accommodating an expanding user base without compromising on performance. This scalability is essential for meeting the evolving needs of your users.

Cloud-Powered Efficiency: Stack AI leverages the efficiency of cloud computing to optimize the delivery process. Cloud-based solutions are renowned for their ability to distribute workloads efficiently, reducing latency and enhancing application performance.

Continuous Monitoring: Stack AI doesn’t just deliver applications and forget about them. It includes robust monitoring capabilities that allow you to track application performance in real time. This proactive approach enables you to address any latency issues promptly, ensuring a consistently smooth user experience.

Global Reach: In today’s interconnected world, your users can be located anywhere. Stack AI takes this into account by offering a global reach. This means that regardless of your users’ geographical locations, they can access your AI-powered applications with minimal delay.

Unleashing AI Capabilities Across Varied Use Cases with Stack AI

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Stack AI doesn’t just offer AI capabilities; it provides a versatile and user-friendly platform to harness these capabilities for a wide range of use cases. Here’s an in-depth exploration of how Stack AI empowers you to transform AI into real-world solutions:

Stack AI Chatbots and Assistants

Interact and Assist: Stack AI allows you to create intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants that can interact with users, answer questions, and execute tasks. These AI-powered agents can seamlessly integrate with your internal data and APIs, providing users with prompt, accurate, and personalized responses.

Enhanced Customer Support: Implement AI-driven chatbots to enhance your customer support operations. These chatbots can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks, thereby improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Stack AI Document Processing

Efficient Data Extraction: With Stack AI, you can streamline document processing tasks. It enables you to extract valuable insights, generate summaries, and answer questions from documents, regardless of their length or complexity. This feature is particularly valuable for industries that deal with extensive paperwork or documentation.

Data Aggregation: Stack AI can aggregate data from multiple documents, making it easier to collate information, identify patterns, and gain deeper insights. This capability is invaluable for researchers, analysts, and professionals working with large datasets.

Answer Questions on Databases

Seamless Database Integration: Stack AI facilitates the connection between AI models like ChatGPT and databases such as Notion, Airtable, or Postgres. This integration enables you to extract valuable insights from your organization’s data, answer specific questions, and make data-driven decisions.

Data Accessibility: By allowing AI models to interact with databases, Stack AI democratizes data access within your organization. Team members from various departments can tap into the power of AI to derive insights from databases without requiring extensive technical skills.

Content Creation

Automated Content Generation: Stack AI empowers content creators by automating various aspects of content generation. Whether it’s generating tags, creating summaries, or seamlessly transferring styles and formats between documents and data sources, Stack AI enhances the efficiency of content creation processes.

Consistency and Branding: Maintain brand consistency across content with the assistance of AI. Stack AI ensures that your content adheres to predefined style guidelines, making it easier to convey a cohesive brand identity across various channels.

Experimentation and Innovation

Rapid Experimentation: Stack AI’s user-friendly interface enables rapid experimentation with AI models. You can effortlessly test multiple prompts and LLM architectures, facilitating innovation and the discovery of new applications.

Fine-Tuning for Customization: Collect data and run fine-tuning jobs to create LLMs that align precisely with your specific product needs. Stack AI’s customization options ensure that the AI adapts to your unique use cases.

Stack AI transcends the limitations of AI by providing a no-code platform that empowers individuals and teams across diverse industries to harness the power of AI. From chatbots that elevate customer support to efficient document processing, insightful database interactions, streamlined content creation, and fostering a culture of experimentation and innovation, Stack is a versatile tool that turns AI potential into real-world solutions. It’s not just about AI; it’s about what you can achieve with it across various domains and applications.

Stack AI Pricing & Plans

Stack AI Discount
PlanPrice per Month(Monthly)Price per Month(Annually)Runs per MonthProjectsTeam MembersSupportAdditional Features
Free$0$01001Individual UsageCommunity support in DiscordN/A
Starter$199*$139*5,000Up to 3Individual UsageCommunity support in DiscordAll data loaders included
Team$899*$699*50,000Up to 30Up to 5Community support in DiscordAll data loaders included
Enterprise/AcademiaCustomCustomUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedDedicated supportDedicated infrastructurere, On-prem deployment, Access control, Private cloud, SSO login, SOC2 compliance

Stack AI Alternatives in 2023


Creatio is a global vendor of a no-code platform designed to automate workflows and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It offers a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop UI builder, business process builder, and various built-in tools for workflow automation.

Comparison with Stack AI:

Complexity: Creatio aims at addressing structured and unstructured industry workflows, offering more extensive capabilities than Stack AI, which primarily focuses on language model-related tasks.

Development Effort: Creatio claims to reduce development effort by up to 10 times, which might be advantageous for businesses looking to create complex, custom applications.

SER Group: Doxis Intelligent Content Automation (ICA)

SER Group offers Doxis Intelligent Content Automation (ICA), which is an enterprise content management platform powered by AI. It connects and automates content, offering solutions for document management, invoice automation, contract management, and human resources.

Comparison with Stack AI:

Content Management: SER Group’s Doxis ICA specializes in content management, while Stack AI focuses more on AI model integration and automation.

Applications: Stack AI has a broader application scope, including chatbots, document processing, and database interaction, whereas Doxis ICA focuses more on content-related tasks.


Odoo is an open-source, customizable software with various business applications, including CRM, Sales, Projects, Manufacturing, Inventory, and Accounting. It aims to meet the diverse needs of companies of all sizes.

Comparison with Stack AI:

Scope: Odoo offers a wide range of business applications, making it a comprehensive solution for various business needs. Stack AI is more specialized in AI-driven tasks.

Customization: Odoo allows extensive customization, catering to specific business requirements. Stack AI is more focused on AI automation.

The Neptune DX Platform [Neptune DXP]

Neptune DX Platform is a rapid application development platform that utilizes a low-code/no-code approach. It digitizes and optimizes business processes and user interfaces and is available in both SAP and Open Editions.

Comparison with Stack AI:

Development Approach: Neptune DXP adopts a low-code/no-code approach similar to Stack AI, making it suitable for businesses looking to automate processes without extensive coding.

Integration: Neptune DXP offers compatibility with SAP systems, which might be advantageous for businesses already using SAP solutions.


Comidor is an all-in-one platform designed to address the specific needs of vertical or custom markets. It focuses on low-code app development, hyper-automation, and an application marketplace.

Comparison with Stack AI:

Low-Code Development: Comidor emphasizes low-code app development, similar to Stack AI, making it accessible for users with no coding knowledge.

Hyper-Automation: Comidor focuses on process automation, similar to Stack AI’s workflow automation capabilities.

Verdict: These alternatives offer diverse features and cater to specific business needs. Creatio and SER Group’s Doxis ICA excel in workflow automation and content management, respectively. Odoo provides comprehensive business applications, while Neptune DX Platform specializes in rapid application development. Comidor focuses on low-code development and process automation. The choice between these alternatives depends on the specific requirements of your project or organization, with each offering unique strengths.


Stack AI Discount

In conclusion, Stack AI is a powerful and accessible platform that brings the capabilities of custom Large Language Models, like GPT-4, within reach of individuals, teams, and organizations. It empowers users to automate tasks, process documents, interact with databases, and create content, all without requiring extensive coding knowledge.

With a range of pricing plans, including a free tier, Stack AI accommodates users at various stages of their AI journey. Its no-code approach democratizes AI, making it a valuable tool for diverse use cases.

Whether you’re an individual looking to streamline tasks or a business aiming to leverage AI for growth, the platform offers a versatile solution. With its commitment to user support and integration capabilities with existing systems, it presents a promising option in the ever-expanding landscape of AI tools.

Overall, it’s user-friendly interface, extensive use cases, and flexible pricing make it a noteworthy choice for those seeking to harness AI’s potential for innovation and efficiency.

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FAQs on Stack AI

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Stack AI:

What is Stack AI, and what can it do for me?

Stack AI is a no-code platform that enables you to design, test, and deploy AI workflows using models like GPT-4. It can help you automate tasks, process documents, answer questions from databases, create content, and more.

Do I need programming skills to use Stack AI?

No, you don’t need programming skills to use Stack AI. It’s designed to be user-friendly, making AI accessible to a wide range of users, including those without coding expertise.

Can I integrate Stack AI with my existing systems and databases?

Yes, Stack AI allows you to seamlessly integrate with various data sources, including databases like Notion, Airtable, or Postgres. This integration enables you to gain insights and answer questions from your organization’s data.

What use cases are suitable for Stack AI?

Stack AI can be used for a variety of applications, including building chatbots and virtual assistants, document processing, answering questions on databases, and content creation, among others.

Is there a free plan available?

Yes, Stack AI offers a free plan that allows you to explore its capabilities. This plan includes 100 runs per month, one project, and is designed for individual usage.

What support options are available?

Stack AI provides community support through Discord for its free and starter plans. For the team and enterprise/academia plans, dedicated support is available.

Can I scale my subscription as my projects grow?

Yes, Stack AI offers plans that can scale with your project needs. You can choose from individual plans to enterprise-level solutions based on your requirements.

Is there a limit to the number of team members in the team plan?

The team plan allows for up to 5 team members. If you need more team members or have specific requirements, you may consider the enterprise/academia plan, which offers unlimited team members.

Can I deploy Stack AI on-premises for added security?

Yes, the enterprise/academia plan provides options for on-premises deployment, ensuring added security and control over your AI workflows.

Is Stack AI compliant with security standards?

Yes, Stack AI offers SOC2 compliance, ensuring that your AI workflows meet rigorous security standards.

These FAQs should help you understand the basics of Stack AI and its offerings. For more specific information or detailed inquiries, it’s advisable to visit the official Stack AI website or contact their support team directly.

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