Can Hotjar Help You Understand Your Website Users Better? Find out in this

Hotjar Review

What is Hotjar? In the vast digital landscape, where websites multiply by the minute, understanding the intricacies of user behavior has become an indispensable asset for any business. While analytics provide us with numbers and statistics, they often fail to reveal the true motivations and intentions behind user actions. That’s where Hotjar steps in—an invaluable tool that empowers website owners with deep insights into their visitors’ experiences. 

Trusted by over 1,148,546 websites in more than 180 countries, Hotjar goes beyond the surface to uncover the elusive “why” behind user behavior. In this comprehensive Hotjar review, we will delve into the features, benefits, Hotjar pricing, and real-world applications of Hotjar, enabling you to unlock the secrets that your analytics have been keeping from you. Get ready to uncover a wealth of information that will revolutionize your understanding of your website and transform your online presence.

What is Hotjar

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Hotjar, powered by the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), is an exceptional heatmap analysis tool that offers a fast and visually appealing way to gain valuable insights into your users’ behavior. By seamlessly connecting to your website, Hotjar’s AI-driven software records and analyzes user interactions, presenting the data in an easily understandable visual format through heat sources.

The beauty of Hotjar, enhanced by AI, lies in its ability to empower website owners and marketers to make informed decisions based on real user data. By harnessing the power of AI, Hotjar’s advanced algorithms can efficiently process vast amounts of user behavior data, identifying patterns and trends that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. This deep analysis allows you to optimize your website for maximum conversions, clicks, and engagement.

For instance, let’s consider the case of an e-commerce website that sells clothing. Hotjar, with its AI-powered heatmap analysis, can provide invaluable insights into which areas of your website receive the most attention from users. By employing AI algorithms to interpret the heatmaps, you can uncover nuanced user behavior patterns. If the AI analysis reveals that users are frequently overlooking the “Add to Cart” button or encountering difficulty in locating it, you can strategically reposition it to a more prominent spot. This AI-driven adjustment has the potential to significantly improve your conversion rate, as users can effortlessly find and interact with the button, leading to increased sales.

Furthermore, Hotjar’s AI-powered heatmap analysis goes beyond surface-level observations. It can reveal elements that may distract or hinder user engagement, thanks to the advanced machine learning algorithms at play. By leveraging AI, Hotjar can identify subtle patterns in user behavior and highlight potential distractions, such as an excessive number of clickable elements, banner ads, or pop-ups that divert users’ attention away from the main content or call-to-action. Armed with this AI-driven knowledge, you can make informed decisions about removing or minimizing these distractions, ensuring that your website focuses on what truly matters to your users.

In summary, Hotjar, coupled with the remarkable power of AI, offers an unparalleled heatmap analysis experience. By leveraging AI’s capabilities to analyze user behavior data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your users’ preferences and optimize your website’s design, layout, and content to enhance user experience, increase conversions, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

What are features of Hotjar

Hotjar has some cool features that let you see what your visitors are doing and what they like or don’t like on your site. With Hotjar, you can collect data on things like where people click, how far they scroll, and even record their visits to your website. It’s like having a digital detective to figure out how to make your website better for your users. Let’s explore its features.

Hotjar Products

Uplead Heatmaps

Heatmaps visually represent user activity on a website by using colors to indicate areas that receive more or less attention. Hotjar offers various types of heatmaps, including click heatmaps, move heatmaps, and scroll heatmaps.

Click heatmaps show where users click the most on a webpage. By analyzing click patterns, website owners can determine which elements, such as buttons or links, attract the most attention and adjust their design or placement accordingly. This information can be invaluable for optimizing conversion rates and user experience.

Move heatmaps track the movement of users’ cursors on a webpage. They reveal areas where users hover or move their cursor frequently, indicating points of interest. Move heatmaps can help identify elements that attract users’ attention, even if they don’t necessarily click on them. This insight can be used to improve the visibility of important content or calls to action.

Scroll heatmaps display how far users scroll down a webpage. They highlight areas that receive the most attention as users scroll, as well as sections that may be overlooked. This information can guide website owners in optimizing the placement of key content and ensuring important information is visible without excessive scrolling.

Hotjar also offers rage click maps for Heatmaps, which identify instances where users repeatedly click on a specific element or area out of frustration or confusion. These maps can pinpoint usability issues and help website owners understand pain points in the user experience. By investigating the associated user recordings, businesses can gain deeper insights into the reasons behind these frustrations.

Heatmaps also include the ability to collect feedback from users through a customizable feedback widget. This widget can be placed on a website to prompt users to provide quick feedback on their experience. This feedback can be used to gather insights, prioritize improvements, and validate hypotheses. The feedback scores provided by users can be used to evaluate the performance of different pages on a website.

Hotjar boasts that the world’s largest websites have created over 7.5 million heatmaps using their platform. This statistic highlights the widespread adoption and popularity of Hotjar among major online platforms. The significant number of heatmaps created demonstrates the trust and confidence that these large websites place in Hotjar as their heatmap tool of choice. 

By leveraging Hotjar’s heatmap functionality, these websites have been able to gather valuable insights into user behavior, improve their user experience, and enhance their conversion rates.

Uplead Recordings

Hotjar’s recordings feature is a powerful tool that allows website owners to observe and analyze the full journey of their users by recording their sessions on the website. Each year, Hotjar tracks a staggering 1.7 billion user sessions, providing a wealth of data for businesses to gain insights and improve their websites.

With the recordings feature, website owners can put themselves in their customers’ shoes and watch the entire user journey. By viewing these recordings, businesses can identify any issues or obstacles that users encounter while navigating their websites. It allows them to see firsthand how users interact with different elements, where they get stuck, and what may cause frustration or confusion.

Watching user recordings helps uncover issues that may be hiding in plain sight. It allows businesses to identify usability problems, broken links, confusing navigation, or any other issues that may hinder the user experience. By zooming out to charts or heatmaps, website owners can assess the impact of these issues on a broader scale and understand if they are isolated incidents or part of a larger pattern.

The recordings feature can be combined with user feedback to make data-backed updates. By integrating feedback from users with the observations from recordings, businesses can gain a holistic understanding of the user experience and prioritize improvements accordingly. This combination of qualitative and quantitative data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of website design and functionality.

The recordings feature provides strong evidence as it captures real users’ interactions on the website. This authentic user behavior can serve as powerful evidence when identifying pain points, making UX decisions, or convincing stakeholders about the need for specific improvements.

Hotjar also highlights the number of bug-hunters who watched recordings with errors in the previous week, emphasizing the value of this feature for identifying and addressing issues. By leveraging recordings, businesses can easily spot friction points and delve deeper into understanding the causes behind them. If an issue is identified, website owners can quickly switch to an aggregate heatmap or chart to determine if it is an isolated incident or part of a recurring pattern that needs fixing.

The recordings feature allows users to save, comment, and share specific moments within a recording. This functionality enables teams to collaborate effectively by highlighting key insights, discussing observations, and building a shared understanding of the user experience. By sharing notable sections of recordings, businesses can align their teams, facilitate discussions, and work towards improving the website based on concrete evidence.

Overall, Hotjar’s recordings feature offers businesses the ability to gain deep visibility into user behavior, identify issues, and optimize the user experience. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how users interact with a website and empowers businesses to make data-informed decisions for continuous improvement.

Uplead Feedback

Hotjar’s Feedback feature provides website owners with a valuable tool for gathering feedback directly from their users. With over 6.6 million people have left feedback using Hotjar, it demonstrates the effectiveness and popularity of this feature in understanding users’ opinions and improving website performance.

Collecting feedback in the wild allows businesses to hear directly from users as they navigate and interact with the website. This real-time feedback captures users’ thoughts and impressions at the moment, providing valuable insights into their experience. By collecting feedback directly on the website, businesses can gather authentic and relevant opinions that reflect users’ true feelings and perceptions.

Hotjar’s Feedback feature allows users to highlight specific parts of the page they like or dislike. This functionality helps businesses identify areas that are performing well and those that need improvement. By understanding which elements or sections of the website users appreciate or find frustrating, website owners can make informed decisions about optimizing those areas to enhance the user experience.

One of the key advantages of the Feedback feature is the ability to compare feedback scores on every page of the website. This allows businesses to identify underperforming parts of their site that may require attention. By analyzing the feedback scores, website owners can prioritize improvements based on user sentiment and allocate resources to the areas that need the most attention.

If negative feedback is received, Hotjar’s Feedback feature seamlessly integrates with the recordings functionality. This integration allows businesses to watch the user’s recording to gain a deeper understanding of what went wrong during their session. By viewing the recorded session, website owners can observe the user’s interactions, identify pain points or issues, and gather insights into the user’s perspective. This direct connection between feedback and user recordings enables businesses to investigate and address specific concerns or frustrations reported by users.

The feedback scores provided on every page of the website help website owners quickly identify pages that need improvement. By having a feedback score for each page, businesses can prioritize their efforts and focus on areas that have received lower scores. This data-driven approach allows for targeted improvements to enhance the user experience and address any potential issues.

In cases where users report experiencing a bug that cannot be replicated, Hotjar’s Feedback feature offers a convenient solution. Website owners can simply load up the user’s recording and view a live playback of their session. This feature provides businesses with a real-time view of the user’s interaction, helping them understand the reported bug or issue in context. By directly observing the user’s actions and behavior, businesses can gain valuable insights and work towards resolving the problem.

By capturing feedback from users, businesses have the opportunity to spot and address problems before they escalate. Most users are unlikely to proactively submit a support ticket unless they encounter significant issues. Therefore, capturing feedback allows businesses to identify and resolve problems early on, ensuring a smoother user experience and preventing potential frustrations.

Hotjar’s Feedback feature empowers businesses to gather user opinions, uncover areas for improvement, and make data-backed decisions to enhance the website’s performance and user experience. It provides an avenue for direct communication with users and helps businesses align their efforts with user needs and expectations.

Uplead Surveys

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Hotjar Feedback

Hotjar’s Surveys feature allows businesses to collect valuable insights and gather the voice of the customer to inform decision-making. With over 402 million survey responses collected via Hotjar, it showcases the effectiveness and popularity of this feature in understanding user preferences, opinions, and needs.

On-site surveys enable businesses to capture feedback from users during their journey on the website. These surveys can be launched in various ways, such as using pop-ups or sending users a link. By collecting feedback at the moment, businesses can capture timely and relevant insights from users, ensuring that their feedback reflects their immediate experience.

Hotjar’s Surveys feature offers the convenience of AI-powered survey generation. If businesses are unsure of what questions to ask, they can simply input their goal, and the AI will create the best survey for them. Alternatively, pre-built templates are available for easy customization. This streamlines the survey creation process, making it accessible even for those without survey design expertise.

The Surveys feature also includes AI-generated summary reports. These reports automatically generate insights and highlight key findings from the survey responses. With AI-powered analysis, businesses can quickly pinpoint issues, identify trends, and gain a high-level understanding of user sentiments. The summary reports provide an at-a-glance view of what users love or hate, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions based on user feedback.

Setting up surveys is made simple with the drag-and-drop builder provided by Hotjar. This user-friendly interface enables businesses to create and customize surveys in seconds, without requiring coding skills or technical expertise. The intuitive builder empowers businesses to design surveys that align with their specific objectives and capture the information they need to improve their product or service.

Surveys can be used to uncover valuable insights about user behavior and preferences. By asking users specific questions, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of why users engage in certain actions, such as logging in. This allows businesses to go beyond analyzing click patterns and learn more about users’ motivations and preferences, providing insights that go beyond surface-level data.

Hotjar’s Surveys feature can also be leveraged to de-risk big projects. By surveying users and obtaining their opinions on upcoming plans or changes, businesses can gauge user sentiment and gather feedback before implementing major updates. This proactive approach ensures that businesses are aligning their efforts with user expectations, reducing the risk of negative user reactions or adoption challenges.

In addition, businesses can send surveys to customers at the moment they churn. This allows them to understand why customers are leaving in their own words, providing valuable feedback to address any issues or concerns and potentially win back customers. By capturing insights directly from churned customers, businesses can take targeted actions to improve their products or service and prevent future churns.

On-site surveys not only capture specific feedback but also provide a continuous stream of suggestions to improve the product. By collecting suggestions directly from users, businesses can tap into the wisdom of the crowd and gather ideas for enhancements or new features. This user-generated input can be a valuable source of inspiration for innovation and improvement.

Hotjar’s Surveys feature empowers businesses to gather user feedback, uncover insights, and make informed decisions to enhance their product or service. It provides a versatile and user-friendly platform for survey creation, data analysis, and report generation. By leveraging on-site and external surveys, businesses can truly understand their customers and align their strategies with user preferences and needs.

Hotjar Engage

Hotjar’s Engage feature provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for recruiting and engaging the right users for research interviews and usability testing. With a pool of over 200,000 participants, businesses can quickly find the right users and schedule interviews with ease. Engage streamlines the process of conducting interviews, hosting them, and recording and transcribing the calls for further analysis.

Engage allows businesses to recruit participants from their own network or leverage Hotjar’s pool of participants. By automating the recruitment process, businesses can ensure they are speaking to the right people who match their target audience or specific criteria. This saves time and effort in finding suitable participants for research activities.

The feature also automates the scheduling of moderated interviews, eliminating the hassle of back-and-forth communication with participants. Engage handles the logistics of finding mutually convenient time slots and coordinating the interviews, reducing the likelihood of no-shows. Additionally, Engage includes built-in user compensation to incentivize participants for their time and input.

During the interviews, Engage seamlessly hosts the calls and provides the functionality to record and transcribe them. This allows businesses to focus on spotting key insights and capturing valuable information without worrying about technical aspects. The recorded interviews can be revisited later for analysis, and the transcriptions make it easy to search for specific information or quotes.

Engage enables teams to collaborate effectively by including observers on the calls. This means that team members who are not directly conducting the interviews can still participate and gain insights. Observers can take time-stamped notes during the calls, providing a shared understanding and facilitating collaboration. These notes can be easily shared among team members, allowing everyone to turn insights into compelling arguments and take action based on user feedback.

With Engage, businesses can discover opportunities for improvement based on user feedback. By directly engaging with users, businesses gain valuable insights and can identify user-led improvements that have the potential to make a significant impact on their products or services. Engage enables businesses to gather first-hand feedback and understand user perspectives, helping them make informed decisions that align with user needs.

The feature also supports testing hypotheses and prototypes with real users before investing in building something new. By engaging users in the early stages of development, businesses can validate their assumptions, gather feedback on prototypes, and make data-driven decisions about the direction of their projects. This approach minimizes the risk of investing resources in ideas that may not resonate with users or deliver the desired results.

Engage allows businesses to stress test the usability of new features with their users. By conducting usability testing, businesses can identify potential issues, challenges, or confusion that users may face when interacting with new features. By addressing these issues early on, businesses can prevent negative impacts on user experience and ensure that the new features positively contribute to their bottom line.

Overall, Hotjar’s Engage feature provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for recruiting, hosting, and analyzing research interviews and usability testing. It streamlines the process, facilitates collaboration among teams, and empowers businesses to make data-informed decisions based on user insights.


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Hotjar’s Funnels feature allows businesses to analyze user behavior and identify conversion pitfalls in their website or application funnels. By connecting the dots between conversion rates and real user behavior, Funnels provides insights into how users move through the funnel and where they drop off, enabling businesses to make data-driven optimizations and improvements.

Funnels help bridge the gap between conversion rates and user behavior by providing a full overview of the funnel. Businesses can visualize the different steps in their funnel and see the percentage of users that move from one step to the next. This allows them to identify specific stages where the drop-off rate is high and focus their attention on those areas for improvement.

To understand why users are dropping off at specific steps, Funnels seamlessly integrates with Hotjar’s Recordings feature. By jumping into relevant recordings, businesses can observe the actual user behavior and interactions that may be causing users to exit the funnel. This direct connection between funnel analysis and user recordings provides valuable insights into the user experience and helps businesses pinpoint the underlying issues leading to drop-offs.

Funnels offer various filtering options to enhance insights. Businesses can filter their conversion funnels by marketing channel or country, allowing them to understand how different channels or regions impact conversion rates. This segmentation provides richer insights into user behavior and helps businesses tailor their strategies and optimizations accordingly.

Additionally, Funnels allow businesses to break down their funnels by segments, enabling them to compare conversion performances across different user groups or segments. This segmentation can be based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or user characteristics. By analyzing conversion performances for different segments, businesses can identify patterns, preferences, or pain points specific to each group, enabling them to personalize their strategies and optimize conversions.

Funnels also help businesses uncover user experience (UX) issues by checking recordings of the lowest-converting steps. By reviewing recordings of users who drop off at those steps, businesses can identify potential UX issues or pain points that may be hindering conversions. This insight allows businesses to prioritize UX improvements and provide a smoother and more intuitive user experience.

If businesses spot unexpected bugs in recordings, Funnels can provide clarity on whether the issue is a widespread problem or just an isolated incident. By analyzing the funnel data, businesses can determine if the bug is affecting a significant number of users or if it’s a one-off occurrence. This information helps businesses prioritize bug fixes and allocate resources accordingly.

Moreover, Funnels enable businesses to learn from their highest-converting flows. By analyzing the steps and user behavior in successful conversion paths, businesses can identify the tactics and strategies that work best. This insight allows them to double down on successful approaches, refine their marketing strategies, and optimize the user journey to replicate successful conversions.

In summary, Hotjar’s Funnels feature provides businesses with a comprehensive tool for analyzing user behavior in funnels, identifying conversion pitfalls, and optimizing the user journey. By visualizing and analyzing the conversion funnel, businesses can uncover insights into user behavior, understand drop-off points, and make data-backed optimizations to improve conversions and overall website performance.

Hotjar Dashboard

Hotjar Dashboard

Hotjar’s Dashboard feature provides businesses with a centralized and high-level view of user data, allowing them to monitor key metrics, identify trends, and gain deeper insights into user behavior. The Dashboard serves as a command center where businesses can quickly assess the health of their product, spot issues before they escalate, and make data-driven decisions to improve their offerings.

The Dashboard presents all the essential metrics and data on a single page, providing a comprehensive overview of what’s happening on the product or website. Businesses can customize their Dashboard to include the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that are most relevant to their goals and objectives. This consolidated view helps businesses save time by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple analytics tools or reports.

One of the valuable features of the Dashboard is the ability to compare pre-and post-release metrics to gauge how users react to product updates. By tracking and comparing metrics before and after a release, businesses can assess the impact of their updates and understand how users are responding. This insight enables businesses to evaluate the success of their updates, identify any issues or areas for improvement, and iterate on their product development process.

The Dashboard also helps businesses detect user issues quickly through visual insights. Instead of manually analyzing heaps of data, businesses can leverage the visual representations and summaries provided in the Dashboard to spot potential issues or anomalies. These visual insights highlight patterns, trends, or deviations in user behavior, allowing businesses to prioritize their backlog and address critical issues promptly.

When an interesting insight is identified on the Dashboard, businesses can seamlessly navigate to the relevant heatmaps and recordings for deeper analysis. This integration enables businesses to dive into the specific user sessions and interactions that contribute to the identified insights. By examining heatmaps and recordings, businesses can gain a more granular understanding of user behavior, pain points, or areas of improvement, facilitating informed decision-making and actionable optimizations.

Comparing user metrics over time is another powerful capability of the Dashboard. By tracking and analyzing user metrics over different time periods, businesses can identify trends and patterns in user behavior. This long-term perspective helps uncover underlying issues or challenges that prevent visitors from becoming customers. By pinpointing these issues, businesses can make informed decisions to address them and optimize their conversion funnel.

The Dashboard also provides insights into user sentiment, allowing businesses to gauge how users truly feel about their products. By monitoring user sentiment on the Dashboard, businesses can gain a sense of overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their offerings. This feedback helps businesses understand user perceptions, identify areas that require improvement, and prioritize their efforts to enhance the user experience.

For businesses that have recently released major UI updates, the Dashboard offers valuable insights into user reactions. By monitoring rage click and u-turn trends, businesses can understand how users are responding to the changes. This information helps businesses assess the success of the UI update, identify any usability issues or frustrations, and make iterative improvements to align with user preferences and needs.

In summary, Hotjar’s Dashboard feature provides businesses with a consolidated and visualized view of key user metrics and insights. It helps businesses monitor the health of their product, detect issues, identify trends, and gain a deeper understanding of user behavior. By leveraging the Dashboard, businesses can make data-driven decisions, prioritize improvements, and enhance the user experience.


Hotjar’s Dashboard feature provides businesses with a centralized and high-level view of user data, allowing them to monitor key metrics, identify trends, and gain deeper insights into user behavior. The Dashboard serves as a command center where businesses can quickly assess the health of their product, spot issues before they escalate, and make data-driven decisions to improve their offerings.

The Dashboard presents all the essential metrics and data on a single page, providing a comprehensive overview of what’s happening on the product or website. Businesses can customize their Dashboard to include the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that are most relevant to their goals and objectives. This consolidated view helps businesses save time by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple analytics tools or reports.

One of the valuable features of the Dashboard is the ability to compare pre-and post-release metrics to gauge how users react to product updates. By tracking and comparing metrics before and after a release, businesses can assess the impact of their updates and understand how users are responding. This insight enables businesses to evaluate the success of their updates, identify any issues or areas for improvement, and iterate on their product development process.

The Dashboard also helps businesses detect user issues quickly through visual insights. Instead of manually analyzing heaps of data, businesses can leverage the visual representations and summaries provided in the Dashboard to spot potential issues or anomalies. These visual insights highlight patterns, trends, or deviations in user behavior, allowing businesses to prioritize their backlog and address critical issues promptly.

When an interesting insight is identified on the Dashboard, businesses can seamlessly navigate to the relevant heatmaps and recordings for deeper analysis. This integration enables businesses to dive into the specific user sessions and interactions that contribute to the identified insights. By examining heatmaps and recordings, businesses can gain a more granular understanding of user behavior, pain points, or areas of improvement, facilitating informed decision-making and actionable optimizations.

Comparing user metrics over time is another powerful capability of the Dashboard. By tracking and analyzing user metrics over different time periods, businesses can identify trends and patterns in user behavior. This long-term perspective helps uncover underlying issues or challenges that prevent visitors from becoming customers. By pinpointing these issues, businesses can make informed decisions to address them and optimize their conversion funnel.

The Dashboard also provides insights into user sentiment, allowing businesses to gauge how users truly feel about their products. By monitoring user sentiment on the Dashboard, businesses can gain a sense of overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their offerings. This feedback helps businesses understand user perceptions, identify areas that require improvement, and prioritize their efforts to enhance the user experience.

For businesses that have recently released major UI updates, the Dashboard offers valuable insights into user reactions. By monitoring rage click and u-turn trends, businesses can understand how users are responding to the changes. This information helps businesses assess the success of the UI update, identify any usability issues or frustrations, and make iterative improvements to align with user preferences and needs.

In summary, Hotjar’s Dashboard feature provides businesses with a consolidated and visualized view of key user metrics and insights. It helps businesses monitor the health of their product, detect issues, identify trends, and gain a deeper understanding of user behavior. By leveraging the Dashboard, businesses can make data-driven decisions, prioritize improvements, and enhance the user experience.

Hotjar Trends

Hotjar’s Highlights feature allows businesses to extract and organize the most relevant user insights from heatmaps and recordings, making it easier to spot trends, analyze user behavior, and discover opportunities. Highlights help filter out the noise and focus on the key aspects of user behavior, enabling businesses to validate assumptions, identify product opportunities, and gain buy-in from stakeholders.

With Highlights, businesses can extract the most important parts of a heatmap or recording that stand out. By creating highlights, businesses can pinpoint specific user interactions, behaviors, or patterns that are of particular interest or significance. This focus on the most relevant user insights helps businesses distill complex data into digestible and actionable information.

Creating highlights of the most relevant parts of recordings makes user insights more accessible and easier to find. Instead of reviewing entire recordings, businesses can create highlights that capture specific moments, actions, or issues within a user session. These highlights serve as condensed snippets of user behavior, making it more efficient to analyze and share insights with stakeholders.

Highlights can be grouped into collections, creating a bank of evidence that supports businesses in gaining buy-in from critical stakeholders. By organizing related highlights into collections, businesses can present a coherent narrative and provide a comprehensive view of user behavior, pain points, or opportunities. This organized approach helps stakeholders understand the user experience, aligns teams on priorities, and facilitates decision-making and action.

By saving all highlights and collections in one place, the Highlights feature makes it easier to spot trends and analyze user behavior holistically. Businesses can review and compare highlights across different heatmaps or recordings, identifying common patterns or issues that may span multiple user sessions. This consolidated view of user insights allows businesses to uncover trends, validate assumptions, and generate new product ideas or improvements.

When businesses spot a bug in their product, they can quickly create a heatmap or recording highlight of the issue and attach it to the related development task. This process provides developers with additional context and visual evidence of the bug, facilitating a faster and more accurate fix. By attaching highlights to development tasks, businesses can streamline the communication between product teams and development teams, ensuring that the necessary information is readily available for bug resolution.

If user engagement is unexpectedly low after a feature release, businesses can watch how users interact with the feature and create highlights of the issues they encounter. This proactive approach allows businesses to identify usability or functionality problems, understand the barriers to engagement, and iterate on the feature to improve its adoption and success. By creating highlights of user issues, businesses can communicate the challenges effectively and drive the necessary changes to enhance user satisfaction and engagement.

In summary, Hotjar’s Highlights feature empowers businesses to extract, organize, and share the most relevant user insights from heatmaps and recordings. By creating highlights, grouping them into collections, and saving them in one place, businesses can spot trends, validate assumptions, discover opportunities, and gain stakeholder buy-in. The ability to attach highlights to development tasks or use them to support product improvements enhances collaboration, drives data-driven decision-making, and improves the overall user experience.

What Are the Different Hotjar Plans and What Do They Offer?

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When you create a free Hotjar account, you gain access to a range of features and tools to analyze user behavior and improve your website or product. Here’s a breakdown of the features included in Hotjar Free:

1. 15,000 user sessions per month: With Hotjar Free, you can track and analyze up to 15,000 user sessions on your website. This allows you to gain insights into how users interact with your site and identify areas for improvement.

2. Recording filters: Hotjar Free allows you to filter user recordings based on various criteria such as URL, viewed pages, country, and more. This feature helps you narrow down your analysis and focus on specific segments or pages of your website.

3. Unlimited heatmaps: Heatmaps are a powerful visual tool that shows you where users click, move, and scroll on your website. With Hotjar Free, you can create and view unlimited heatmaps, enabling you to understand user engagement and behavior across different pages.

4. Feedback widgets and surveys: Hotjar Free provides three feedback widgets and three surveys per month. These tools allow you to collect feedback directly from your users, whether it’s through on-site feedback widgets or targeted surveys. Gathering user feedback helps you understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, ultimately informing your decision-making and prioritizing improvements.

5. User interviews: Hotjar Free allows you to conduct up to five user interviews per month. User interviews involve engaging with your website visitors or customers in one-on-one conversations to gain deeper insights into their experiences, preferences, and challenges. These interviews can provide valuable qualitative feedback and help you uncover user motivations and behaviors.

It’s important to note that while Hotjar Free offers these features at no cost, there is also an option to upgrade to a paid plan for additional features and increased usage limits. The free plan is designed to provide you with valuable insights and tools to get started with understanding user behavior and improving your website or product.

Hotjar Pricing(Heatmaps and Recordings)

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Here’s a comparison table that shows the Hotjar pricing for the monthly and yearly plans of Hotjar Observe (Heatmaps and Recordings) along with the features included in each plan:

Pricing PlanMonthly CostYearly Cost (per month)Daily SessionsFeatures
Basic$0N/A500Automatic data capture, Unlimited heatmaps, Filter and segment data
Business$99$80500Custom-built integrations, Events API: track custom user actions, Identify API: track custom user attributes, Frustration and confusion signals
Scale$213$171500Funnels, Trends, Console tracking (Errors), Hotjar API, SAML single sign-on (SSO), Dedicated customer success manager*, Priority support*, Full access to every feature

Hotjar Ask Pricing (Surveys and Feedback)

Here’s a pricing comparison table for Hotjar Ask (Surveys and Feedback) monthly and yearly plans, including the features:

Pricing PlanMonthly CostYearly CostSessionsFeatures
Basic$0/month$0/yearUp 20 monthly responses– Create and store 3 surveys & 3 feedback widgets<br>- Hotjar AI for Surveys<br>- 40+ pre-defined languages<br>- Unlimited questions per survey<br>- Over 40 survey templates<br>- Filter responses (by date, keyword, URL, survey completion and more)
Plus$59/month$48/monthUp to 250 monthly responses– Everything in Basic, and:<br>- Create unlimited surveys & feedback widgets<br>- Events API: target survey & feedback widgets by custom user actions
Business$79/month$64/month500 monthly responses– Everything in Plus, and:<br>- Identify API: target feedback by custom user attributes<br>- Remove Hotjar logo and customize your branding<br>- Analyze survey performance<br>- Custom-built integrations
ScaleComing soonComing soon– Everything in Business, and:<br>- Dedicated customer success manager<br>- Hotjar API<br>- SAML single sign-on (SSO)<br>- Full access to every feature

Hotjar Engage Pricing (User Interviews)

Monthly Pricing

Here’s the pricing comparison table for Hotjar Engage (User Interviews) monthly plans:

Pricing PlanMonthly CostInterviews per MonthHotjar Participant PoolInterviews from Own NetworkInterview DurationCo-moderator per InterviewSpectator per InterviewRecording RetentionParticipant Reward per InterviewDedicated Customer Success ManagerSAML Single Sign-On (SSO)Full Access to Every Feature
Basic$0/monthUp to 51 (incl. €20 compensation)Up to 5Up to 30 minutes112 weeks
Plus$350/monthUp to 15Up to 5Up to 10Up to 30 minutes112 yearsUp to €50
Business$550/monthUp to 30Up to 10Up to 20Up to 60 minutes22Up to €100

Yearly Pricing

Here’s the pricing comparison table for Hotjar Engage (User Interviews) yearly plans:

Pricing PlanYearly CostInterviews per YearHotjar Participant PoolInterviews from Own NetworkInterview DurationCo-moderator per InterviewSpectator per InterviewRecording RetentionParticipant Reward per InterviewDedicated Customer Success ManagerSAML Single Sign-On (SSO)Full Access to Every Feature
Basic$0/yearUp to 601 (incl. €20 compensation)Up to 60Up to 30 minutes112 weeks
Plus$3,360/yearUp to 180Up to 60Up to 120Up to 30 minutes112 yearsUp to €50
Business$5,280/yearUp to 360Up to 120Up to 240Up to 60 minutes22Up to €100
ScaleUp to 720Up to 240Up to 480Up to 120 minutes410Up to €150Dedicated Customer Success ManagerSAML Single Sign-On (SSO)Full Access to Every Feature

How Do Users Benefit from Hotjar’s Feedback and Analytics Features?

Hotjar, a popular web analytics and user feedback tool, has received positive reviews from users, with an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars on G2. This tool has been particularly praised for its ability to provide valuable insights into user interactions on websites, making it a valuable asset for small businesses, designers, and marketers.

Monika B., a Program Manager, expressed her satisfaction with Hotjar, emphasizing its effectiveness in collecting user feedback and understanding their challenges. For small businesses with limited resources, this tool offers a cost-effective way to enhance the user experience. Monika highlighted the importance of adapting to user feedback to improve products and services, aligning them with the needs and expectations of target customers.

She found Hotjar to be a helpful solution for staying connected with end-users, addressing their requirements, and facilitating business growth. Monika had no significant issues with Hotjar and found it to be well-suited for gaining consumer insights and feedback.

Khushi S., a UI/UX Designer, also had positive remarks about Hotjar, especially regarding its user-friendliness. Designers and marketers benefit from its ability to record user sessions, which provides a deeper understanding of how users navigate and interact with a website. The tool’s heatmap feature, highlighting the most active areas on web pages, further aids in optimizing the user experience.

However, Khushi pointed out a couple of concerns. Hotjar’s session recording may raise privacy issues, as it captures user sessions. Additionally, real-time data is not available, which means prompt issue resolution based on instant feedback is limited.

Despite these concerns, Hotjar has proven to be a valuable asset for Khushi. It has helped her gain insights into user behavior, optimize websites, and ultimately enhance the overall user experience.

In conclusion, Hotjar is a versatile tool that caters to the needs of professionals in various roles, offering a user-friendly interface for gathering user feedback and enhancing website functionality. While it may have some limitations, it continues to be a valuable resource for businesses and designers looking to improve their online platforms.

What Are the Top Alternatives to Hotjar for Improving User Experiences in 2023?

When it comes to understanding how users interact with your website and improving their experience, there are some excellent alternatives to Hotjar. Here are four standout options:

  1. FullStory: FullStory is a digital and product experience tool that assists businesses in uncovering customer struggles. It does this by analyzing user events through product analytics and session replay features. This tool provides a comprehensive view of the user’s history, helping businesses understand their customers’ interactions with web and mobile elements like buttons, forms, menus, and headers.
  2. Crazy Egg: Crazy Egg is a website optimization software that enhances your understanding of the customer journey. It helps you identify user difficulties and correct issues that may impact your website’s conversion rates. With Crazy Egg, you can analyze website traffic, conduct experiments, and make improvements to enhance user experiences and overall website performance.
  3. ClickTale (now ContentSquare): ClickTale, now known as ContentSquare, is a digital experience analytics tool. It allows you to monitor customer behavior, spot funnel drop-offs, and use these insights to enhance the customer journey. ClickTale offers features such as filtering, segmentation, heatmaps, and session recording to visualize every step of the customer’s interaction with your website.
  4. UserTesting: UserTesting is a platform focused on gathering customer insights. It helps organizations understand their users’ thoughts and feelings to improve the overall customer experience. With UserTesting, you can create test plans to inquire about users’ digital experiences and watch recordings of specific user actions to pinpoint issues in their online journey.

These alternatives offer businesses valuable tools for understanding and enhancing the digital experiences of their customers, making it easier to meet their needs and preferences.


Hotjar, used by over 1.1 million websites in more than 180 countries, is a powerful and comprehensive user analytics and feedback tool that provides valuable insights into user behavior and helps businesses optimize their websites and products. With its range of features including Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, and User Interviews, Hotjar offers a holistic approach to understanding user interactions and gathering qualitative feedback.

While Hotjar provides a robust set of features, it’s important to note that the availability of certain advanced features and capabilities may be limited to higher-tier pricing plans. Businesses should carefully assess their specific needs and choose a plan that aligns with their requirements and budget.

In conclusion, Hotjar is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to gain a deeper understanding of their users, optimize their websites, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging its range of features, businesses can uncover actionable insights, improve user experience, and drive overall growth and success.

Confused about the right tool for your company, reach out to us and get a free consulting.


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FAQs on Hotjar

Here are 5 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Hotjar:

1. What is Hotjar and what does it do?

Hotjar is an all-in-one user analytics and feedback tool that helps businesses understand how users interact with their websites. It offers features such as Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, and User Interviews to provide insights into user behavior, identify pain points, and gather feedback to improve website usability and conversion rates.

2. How does Hotjar protect user data and privacy?

Hotjar takes user data privacy seriously. It uses advanced security measures to protect data, including encryption and secure storage. Hotjar anonymizes and aggregates data to ensure individual user information remains confidential. Additionally, Hotjar is GDPR compliant and provides tools to help users comply with privacy regulations.

3. Can Hotjar be used on any website or platform?

Yes, Hotjar is compatible with most websites and platforms, including WordPress, Shopify, and custom-built websites. It requires the installation of a tracking code or script on your website to collect and analyze user data. Hotjar provides easy-to-follow instructions and integration guides to help users set up and use the tool effectively.

4. What are the pricing options for Hotjar?

Hotjar offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different business needs. It provides free forever plans with limited features, allowing users to get started without any cost. Paid plans offer additional features, increased usage limits, and advanced capabilities. Pricing is based on factors such as the number of user sessions, interviews, or surveys per month, and whether you choose a monthly or annual billing cycle.

5. Can I try Hotjar before committing to a paid plan?

Yes, Hotjar offers a free forever plan that allows users to access a limited set of features. This allows you to explore and familiarize yourself with Hotjar’s capabilities and determine if it meets your requirements. You can later upgrade to a paid plan to access more advanced features and increased usage limits.

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