Is EngageBay Your Ultimate CRM and Marketing Solution? Uncover the Answer!

engagebay review

EngageBay is an all-in-one CRM software that helps businesses acquire and nurture customers. It offers a wide range of features, including marketing, sales, and customer support tools. EngageBay is perfect for startups, and small and medium-sized businesses, and is available at an affordable price.

 EngageBay was founded in 2017 and has since grown to serve over 29,000 customers. The software is used by businesses of all sizes, in a variety of industries, including B2B and B2C.

In this EngageBay review, I will explore the ins and outs of the software and test it myself. I will cover the following topics:

  •  What features does EngageBay offer?
  •  How much does EngageBay cost?
  •  How easy is EngageBay to use?
  • How is EngageBay’s customer support?

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All-in-One CRM & Marketing Automation Software

EngageBay software summary

EngageBay is an easy-to-use, affordable all-in-one platform for marketing, sales, and support. It offers a wide range of features, including CRM, email marketing, live chat, landing pages, and more.

EngageBay is a great option for businesses of all sizes, from startups to small and medium-sized businesses. It is also a great alternative to Hubspot, another popular all-in-one CRM platform.

Here are some of the benefits of using EngageBay:

  • Easy to use: EngageBay is easy to use, even for users with no prior CRM experience. The interface is clean and intuitive, and the software is packed with features.
  • Affordable: EngageBay offers a variety of pricing plans, starting at $14 per month for the Basic plan. The Basic plan includes all of the core features of EngageBay, such as CRM, email marketing, and landing pages.
  • Powerful features: EngageBay offers a wide range of features, including CRM, email marketing, live chat, landing pages, and more. This makes it a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes.
  • A great alternative to Hubspot: EngageBay is a great alternative to Hubspot, another popular all-in-one CRM platform. It offers a similar range of features at a more affordable price.

If you are looking for an easy-to-use, affordable all-in-one platform for marketing, sales, and support, then EngageBay is a great option. Sign up for a free account today and see for yourself how it can help you grow your business.

EngageBay: Key Features

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EngageBay Review: CRM, Marketing Automation, and Support Platform

EngageBay CRM and Sales Automation Features

engagebay review getting started with sales dashboard

Creating Deals on Engagebay

engagebay review sales tracking

The deal cards in the Deals tab contain all of the important information about your deals, such as contact and company information, deal value, and task deadlines. This information can help you stay on top of your deals and ensure that you are following up with your leads in a timely manner.

By using the Deals and Tasks tabs in EngageBay, you can effectively manage your sales pipeline and close more deals.

engagebay review tasks dashboard CRM platform review

Sales automation features

EngageBay’s sales automation can help you save time and close more deals. By automating your sales process, you can free up your time to focus on other tasks, such as building relationships with your customers and developing new sales strategies.

Here are some of the benefits of using EngageBay’s sales automation:

    • Save time: Sales automation can help you save time by automating repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails and scheduling appointments.

    • Increase productivity: Sales automation can help you increase your productivity by freeing up your time to focus on more important tasks.

    • Improve accuracy: Sales automation can help you improve accuracy by reducing the risk of human error.

    • Increase customer satisfaction: Sales automation can help you increase customer satisfaction by providing a more personalized and efficient sales experience.

EngageBay’s sales automation is easy to use and can be customized to fit your specific needs. To get started, simply create a new automation and select the actions and conditions that you want to include. Once you have created your automation, you can activate it and watch it work its magic.

Here are some examples of how you can use EngageBay’s sales automation:

    • Send follow-up emails: You can automate the process of sending follow-up emails to your leads and prospects. This will help you stay top-of-mind and keep your sales pipeline moving.

    • Schedule appointments: You can automate the process of scheduling appointments with your leads and prospects. This will save you time and help you get more appointments on your calendar.

    • Send personalized emails: You can automate the process of sending personalized emails to your leads and prospects. This will help you build relationships and increase your chances of closing deals.

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Sending emails with EngageBay

EngageBay’s email marketing platform is a powerful tool that can help you reach your target audience and grow your business. With EngageBay, you can create and send email campaigns, track your results, and automate your email marketing tasks.

Email Broadcasts

Engagebay review 3 types of email broadcasts

EngageBay allows you to send three types of email broadcasts:

    • Regular broadcasts: These are perfect for sending out newsletters, product updates, and other announcements to your entire email list.

    • A/B tests: These allow you to test different versions of your email campaigns to see which one performs better. You can test different subject lines, email copy, and even images.

    • RSS to email: This feature allows you to automatically send out emails whenever a new article is published on your blog or website.

Email Editor

EngageBay’s email editor is a powerful tool that allows you to create and customize your emails to fit your brand and your message. The editor comes with a variety of features that make it easy to add images, videos, text, and buttons to your emails. You can also personalize your emails with your subscribers’ names and interests.

To change the layout of your email, you can add blocks and columns. You can also edit universal settings like link colors, width, and fonts.

From the ‘Body’ tab, you can edit the text of your email, add images, and insert links. You can also personalize your email by adding your subscribers’ names and other information from your database.

Once you’re satisfied with the content and design, you can review your email. Here EngageBay lets you quickly skim through your email and check if something is missing.

You can send the email right away, schedule it for later, or send it in batches. It can also be part of automation based on opens or clicks.

Email Analytics

EngageBay provides detailed analytics for all of your email campaigns, so you can see how well they’re performing. You can track open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. You can also see which emails are being opened and clicked on the mos

To track the performance of your email campaigns, you can view reports that show you the following information:

    • Status

    • Sent date

    • Recipients

    • Emails delivered

    • Opens / Open rate

    • Clicks / Click rate

    • Unsubscribers

You can also export reports to a CSV file.

By using EngageBay’s email editor, you can create effective and engaging email campaigns that will help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

Engagebay review drag-and-drop email editor

Email sequences

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EngageBay’s drip campaigns are a powerful tool that can help you nurture leads and convert them into customers. With drip campaigns, you can send a series of emails to your subscribers over time, based on a set schedule or specific triggers.

To create a drip campaign in EngageBay, you’ll first need to create a list of subscribers. Once you have a list of subscribers, you can start creating your campaign.

When creating your campaign, you’ll need to choose the following:

  • Frequency of your emails: You can choose to send your emails daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • The content of your emails: You can include text, images, videos, and links in your emails.
  • Personalization of your emails: You can personalize your emails with your subscribers’ names and other information.
  • The triggers for your emails: You can choose to send your emails based on a set schedule or specific triggers, such as when a subscriber opens or clicks on an email.

Once you’ve created your campaign, you can preview it and then send it to your subscribers.

EngageBay’s drip campaigns are a powerful tool that can help you nurture leads and convert them into customers. If you’re looking for a way to improve your email marketing, I encourage you to try EngageBay’s drip campaigns.

Here are some additional tips for creating effective drip campaigns:

  • Start with a strong subject line: The subject line is the first thing your subscribers will see, so it’s important to make it clear and concise.
  • Personalize your emails: Use your subscribers’ names and interests to make your emails more relevant and engaging.
  • Keep your emails short and sweet: People are busy, so they don’t have time to read long emails. Get to the point quickly and make sure your message is clear.
  • Use images and videos: Images and videos can help to break up your text and make your emails more visually appealing.
  • Call to action: Tell your subscribers what you want them to do, whether it’s clicking on a link, visiting your website, or making a purchase.

By following these tips, you can create effective drip campaigns that will help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

Email Marketing Templates in EngageBay

EngageBay offers over 70 email templates in four categories: General, eCommerce, Events, and Celebrations. The majority of the email templates are in the eCommerce category, while only three templates are in the Events category.

The email templates are generally okay-looking. They have formatted headlines, calls to action (CTAs), placeholders for logos, and styled links. However, the templates don’t have a wow factor and look a bit outdated. This shouldn’t be a problem if you use them as a starting point.

If you don’t like the templates that EngageBay offers, you can always create your own. You can use the email editor in EngageBay to create a template from scratch, or you can use an external email editor to create a template and then copy its HTML code and paste it into EngageBay.

Engagebay review email templates across 4 categories

EngageBay Marketing Automation

EngageBay’s marketing automation features are comprehensive and easy to use. You can create automation from scratch or choose from pre-built templates.

The automation templates are for:

    • Follow-up emails: Send automated emails to your subscribers based on a set schedule or specific triggers.

    • Follow-up tagging: Automatically add tags to your subscribers based on their behavior.

    • Lead qualification: Automatically qualify your leads based on their behavior.

    • Lead scoring: Automatically assign scores to your leads based on their behavior.

    • GDPR double opt-in compliance: Ensure that your subscribers have opted in to receive emails from you.

engagebay review marketing automation templates

engagebay review marketing automation editor

Lead Generation in EngageBay

EngageBay CRM software offers a comprehensive set of list-building tools, including landing pages, inline forms, and popup forms. These tools can help you generate leads and grow your business.

Landing pages

Engagebay review landing page templates

EngageBay offers a wide variety of landing page templates to choose from, so you can create a page that looks and feels just right for your business. You can also customize your landing pages with your own branding and content.

Engagebay review landing page editor

When creating landing pages, it is important to use relevant keywords throughout your content. This will help your landing pages rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). You should also optimize your titles and descriptions for search engines.

Inline forms

EngageBay’s inline forms make it easy to add forms to your website without any coding. Simply choose a template, customize the form fields, and add the form to your website.

When adding inline forms to your website, it is important to place them in strategic locations. For example, you could add an inline form to your blog posts or to your product pages.

Popup forms

Engagebay review inline forms

EngageBay’s popup forms are a great way to capture leads from visitors who are about to leave your website. You can customize the popup forms to fit your needs and target your ideal audience.

When creating popup forms, it is important to offer something of value in exchange for the visitor’s information. For example, you could offer a free ebook or a discount on your products or services.

By using EngageBay’s list-building tools, you can generate leads and grow your business. By following the tips above, you can improve your chances of success.

Contact Management in EngageBay

EngageBay contact management is a powerful tool that can help you organize and grow your business. With EngageBay, you can create and manage contact lists, segments, and individual contact profiles. You can also import contacts, validate emails, and merge duplicates.

Contact Lists

EngageBay contact lists allow you to organize your contacts by common data points. This can help you stay organized and target customers better. There are two types of contact lists: static lists and smart lists.

    • Static lists are fixed and do not update dynamically.

    • Smart lists are dynamic and update automatically when new contacts match the filter criteria.


EngageBay segments allow you to create targeted groups of contacts based on any field in your database. This can be very helpful for targeting specific marketing campaigns or sales outreach efforts.

Individual Contact Profiles

Engagebay review contact management

EngageBay individual contact profiles provide a comprehensive view of each contact in your database. This includes contact information, deal status, email responses, call logs, and more. You can also edit individual contact profiles, add notes, tickets, and scores to keep all your contact information up to date.

Contact Import

EngageBay contact import allows you to import contacts from a variety of sources, including CSV files, Salesforce, and Google Contacts. When importing contacts, you can use built-in email validation to ensure that all the emails are correct and deliverable.

Contact Merge

Engagebay review email validation options

EngageBay contact merge allows you to merge duplicate contacts into a single record. This can help you keep your contact list clean and organized.

Benefits of EngageBay Contact Management

EngageBay contact management offers a number of benefits, including:

    • Organization: EngageBay contact management can help you organize your contacts by common data points, such as company, industry, or location. This can help you stay organized and target customers better.

    • Targeted Marketing: EngageBay contact management can help you create targeted marketing campaigns based on contact segments. This can help you improve your marketing ROI.

    • Effective Sales: EngageBay contact management can help you track your sales progress and identify opportunities. This can help you close more deals.

    • Improved Customer Service: EngageBay contact management can help you provide better customer service by providing you with a comprehensive view of each customer. This can help you resolve customer issues more quickly and easily.

Provide Customer Support

The Service Bay will help you serve customers, resolve their issues, and convert website visitors. I like that EngageBay offers customer service features because now I don’t need a separate live chat or ticketing software. Not to mention that having service and sales integrated makes it easier to support and even upsell customers. Let’s give it a closer look.

EngageBay Service Bay

Engagebay review tickets menu CRM platform review

EngageBay Service Bay is a comprehensive customer service solution that can help you serve customers, resolve their issues, and convert website visitors. With EngageBay Service Bay, you get a powerful set of features, including live chat, ticket management, macros, and ticket automation.

Live Chat

EngageBay Live Chat allows you to connect with customers in real-time, answer their questions, and resolve their issues quickly. You can also use Live Chat to collect leads and generate sales opportunities.

Ticket Management

EngageBay Ticket Management allows you to track and manage customer support tickets. You can view all of your tickets in one place, assign them to agents, and track their progress. You can also use Ticket Management to set up rules and automation to streamline your customer service process.


EngageBay Macros allows you to save time and improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks. You can create macros for common tasks, such as sending out welcome emails or updating customer records.

Ticket Automation

EngageBay Ticket Automation allows you to create rules and automation to streamline your customer service process. You can use Ticket Automation to send out automatic responses, assign tickets to agents, and update customer records.


EngageBay Service Bay provides a variety of reports that can help you track your customer service performance. You can view reports on ticket counts, ticket status, priority, type, first response time, and close time. These reports can help you identify areas where you can improve your customer service.

Benefits of EngageBay Service Bay

EngageBay Service Bay offers a number of benefits, including:

    • Improved customer service: EngageBay Service Bay can help you improve your customer service by providing you with a powerful set of features to help you serve customers, resolve their issues, and convert website visitors.

    • Increased efficiency: EngageBay Service Bay can help you increase your efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and providing you with reports to track your customer service performance.

    • Reduced costs: EngageBay Service Bay can help you reduce your costs by providing you with a comprehensive customer service solution that can help you avoid the need to invest in separate live chat or ticketing software.

Other Engagebay features

EngageBay is a comprehensive CRM software that offers a wide range of features to help businesses of all sizes grow. In addition to the features that you have already reviewed, EngageBay also offers the following:

Social Suite

The Social Suite allows businesses to stay on top of their social media marketing by monitoring all of their social media accounts in one place. The Social Suite also allows businesses to schedule posts, track engagement, and analyze results.

SMS Broadcasts

SMS Broadcasts allow businesses to send out mass text messages to their customers. SMS Broadcasts can be used to promote new products or services, send out reminders, or provide customer support.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications allow businesses to send out notifications to their customers’ mobile devices. Push Notifications can be used to promote new products or services, send out reminders, or provide customer support.

File Repository

The File Repository allows businesses to store and share files with their customers. The File Repository can be used to store product brochures, white papers, case studies, and other documents.


WhatsApp is a popular messaging app that is used by billions of people around the world. The EngageBay – WhatsApp integration allows businesses to receive and reply to WhatsApp messages from their customers. This integration can help businesses to improve customer service and provide a more personalized experience.

Call and SMS Logs

Call and SMS Logs allow businesses to track all of their phone calls and text messages. This information can be used to improve customer service and identify areas where the business can improve.

These are just a few of the many features that EngageBay offers. If you are looking for comprehensive CRM software that can help you grow your business, then EngageBay is a great option.

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EngageBay Integrations

engagebay review integrations

EngageBay offers a wide range of integrations with other popular software applications. This allows businesses to connect their EngageBay account to their existing systems and processes, making it easier to manage their sales, marketing, and customer service operations.

Direct Integrations

EngageBay offers direct integrations with over 30 popular software applications, including:

    • eCommerce platforms: Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, and others

    • Email marketing platforms: Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others

    • Customer relationship management (CRM) platforms: Salesforce, HubSpot, and others

    • Project management platforms: Trello, Asana, and others

    • Customer support platforms: Zendesk, Freshdesk, and others

    • Accounting platforms: QuickBooks, Xero, and others

Zapier Integrations

In addition to its direct integrations, EngageBay also offers integrations with over 4,000 third-party applications through Zapier. Zapier is an automation tool that allows businesses to connect different apps and automate tasks between them. This can save businesses time and effort by automating repetitive tasks.

Benefits of EngageBay Integrations

EngageBay integrations offer a number of benefits for businesses, including:

    • Increased efficiency: Integrations can help businesses save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks.

    • Improved data accuracy: Integrations can help businesses improve the accuracy of their data by ensuring that it is kept up-to-date across all of their systems.

    • Enhanced customer experience: Integrations can help businesses provide a better customer experience by giving them a single view of their customers across all of their systems.

    • Increased productivity: Integrations can help businesses increase their productivity by allowing them to focus on more important tasks.

If you don’t find your app among Engagebay integrations, use Zapier to integrate with 4000+ third-party apps. Zapier connections can create, update and tag your contacts from activity in other apps.

EngageBay Customer Support

EngageBay offers excellent customer support. Their support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they are always willing to help. You can reach them by email, phone, or live chat.

EngageBay also has a comprehensive knowledge base that includes articles, videos, and tutorials. The knowledge base is a great resource for finding answers to your questions. The articles are well-written and easy to understand. They also include screenshots and GIFs to help you visualize the steps involved.

Engagebay review customer support page

EngageBay pricing and plans

engagebay review 4 pricing plans

EngageBay offers four pricing plans: Free, Basic, Growth, and Pro. You can choose to purchase one of these plans individually, or you can purchase the All-in-One plan, which includes all four plans.

Free Plan

The Free Plan includes the following features:

    • Email marketing

    • Lead generation

    • CRM

    • Help desk

    • Live chat

The Free Plan is a great option for small businesses or businesses that are just starting out. It includes a limited number of features, but it is a great way to get started with EngageBay.

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan includes the following features:

    • All features of the Free Plan

    • Lead scoring

    • Social suite

    • Tag manager

    • SMS marketing

    • Landing page builder

The Basic Plan is a great option for small businesses that need more features than the Free Plan offers. It includes a number of features that can help you improve your marketing and sales efforts.

Growth Plan

The Growth Plan includes the following features:

    • All features of the Basic Plan

    • Push notifications

    • Marketing automation

    • Custom domain

The Growth Plan is a great option for medium-sized businesses that need more features than the Basic Plan offers. It includes a number of features that can help you automate your marketing and sales efforts.

Pro Plan

The Pro Plan includes the following features:

    • All features of the Growth Plan

    • Role management

    • Custom reporting

    • Dedicated account manager

The Pro Plan is a great option for large businesses that need the most features and support that EngageBay offers. It includes a number of features that can help you manage your business more effectively.

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Engagebay Pros and Cons

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EngageBay Pros

  • All-in-one CRM, marketing automation, sales, and service solution: EngageBay offers a comprehensive suite of tools that can help businesses of all sizes improve their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.
  • Free plan: EngageBay offers a free plan that includes a limited number of features, but it is a great way to get started with the platform.
  • Affordable: EngageBay is a very affordable CRM solution, especially when compared to other leading brands.
  • Easy to use: EngageBay is very easy to use, even for businesses with no prior CRM experience.
  • Powerful features: EngageBay offers a wide range of powerful features, including lead scoring, email marketing, and customer support.

EngageBay Cons

  • Limited email editing widgets: EngageBay offers a limited number of email editing widgets, which can be a limitation for businesses that need to create complex emails.
  • A few outdated email templates: EngageBay offers a few outdated email templates, which can be a limitation for businesses that need to create modern and visually appealing emails.

Overall, EngageBay is a great CRM solution for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, affordable pricing, and ease of use. However, businesses that need to create complex emails or use modern email templates may want to consider other CRM solutions.

Ratings of EngageBay from other websites

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Ratings of EngageBay from other websites:

    • G2: 4.5 out of 5 stars

    • Capterra: 4.5 out of 5 stars

    • Software Advice: 4.4 out of 5 stars

    • GetApp: 4.4 out of 5 stars

    • TrustRadius: 4.5 out of 5 stars

These ratings are based on reviews from real users of EngageBay. They show that EngageBay is a well-rated CRM software that offers a wide range of features and affordable pricing. It is a great option for small businesses and businesses of all sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is EngageBay?

EngageBay is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses of all sizes manage their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. It offers a wide range of features, including lead generation, email marketing, customer support, and more.

What are the benefits of using EngageBay?

EngageBay offers a number of benefits for businesses, including:

  • Improved customer relationships: EngageBay can help businesses improve their customer relationships by providing them with a central location to store and manage customer data. This data can then be used to track customer interactions, identify trends, and develop targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Increased sales: EngageBay can help businesses increase their sales by providing them with tools to track leads, manage opportunities, and close deals. This can help businesses close more deals and improve their bottom line.
  • Improved efficiency: EngageBay can help businesses improve their efficiency by automating tasks such as lead generation, email marketing, and customer support. This can free up employees to focus on more important tasks.
  • Improved decision-making: EngageBay can help businesses improve their decision-making by providing them with insights into their customers and their sales process. This information can be used to make better decisions about marketing, sales, and customer service.

How can I get started with EngageBay?

To get started with EngageBay, you can sign up for a free trial or choose a paid plan. Once you have signed up, you can start using the software to manage your sales, marketing, and customer service efforts.

What are some of the features of EngageBay?

EngageBay offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Lead generation: EngageBay can help you generate leads through a variety of channels, including email marketing, social media, and website forms.
  • Email marketing: EngageBay can help you send email campaigns to your leads and customers. You can track the results of your campaigns to see how they are performing.
  • Customer support: EngageBay can help you provide customer support through a variety of channels, including email, chat, and phone. You can track customer support tickets to see how they are being handled.
  • Sales CRM: EngageBay can help you manage your sales process by tracking leads, opportunities, and deals. You can also use EngageBay to create custom reports to track your sales performance.

What are the integrations available for EngageBay?

EngageBay integrates with a variety of other software, including:

  • Google Drive: You can connect your Google Drive account to EngageBay to access your files from within the software.
  • Salesforce: You can connect your Salesforce account to EngageBay to import your leads and customers into the software.
  • HubSpot: You can connect your HubSpot account to EngageBay to import your leads and customers into the software.
  • Zapier: You can use Zapier to connect EngageBay to other software, such as Mailchimp, Slack, and Trello.

What is the customer support like for EngageBay?

EngageBay offers 24/7 customer support through email, chat, and phone. You can also find a knowledge base with articles and tutorials on how to use the software.

Is EngageBay right for my business?

EngageBay is a great option for businesses of all sizes that are looking for CRM software that can help them improve their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. The software offers a wide range of features and integrations, and it has excellent customer support.

EngageBay Alternatives

Engagebay vs Hubspot

EngageBay is a more affordable option than HubSpot, with plans starting at $14.99 per month. HubSpot’s plans start at $45 per month.


EngageBay offers a wide range of features, including lead generation, email marketing, customer support, and sales CRM. HubSpot offers a more comprehensive set of features, including marketing automation, website builder, and invoicing.

EngageBay integrates with a variety of other software, including Google Drive, Salesforce, and HubSpot. HubSpot integrates with a wider range of software, including Microsoft Office 365, Slack, and Trello.

Customer support

EngageBay offers 24/7 customer support through email, chat, and phone. HubSpot also offers 24/7 customer support through email, chat, and phone.


EngageBay is a great option for businesses of all sizes that are looking for an affordable CRM software solution with a wide range of features. HubSpot is a great option for businesses that need a more comprehensive CRM software solution with a wider range of features and integrations.

ActiveCampaign vs. EngageBay

ActiveCampaign is a popular marketing automation platform that can serve as an alternative to EngageBay, especially if you are primarily focused on pipeline management and sales automation. However, for those seeking an all-in-one CRM solution, EngageBay stands out.

ActiveCampaign has its merits, but it’s not without flaws. Users have reported issues with bugs and slow performance. It also lacks essential reporting functionalities, which can hinder your ability to gain insights into sales performance and goals.

ActiveCampaign’s pricing is tiered, starting at $39 per month for 1,000 contacts and scaling up with additional features.

Zoho CRM Plus vs. EngageBay

Zoho CRM Plus is another significant alternative to EngageBay, but a closer look reveals that EngageBay offers a similar feature set at a more affordable price point.

EngageBay’s Live Chat platform is equivalent to Zoho’s Sales IQ feature, providing the ability to engage with website visitors and integrate with CRM for improved data visibility. Additionally, EngageBay offers marketing features such as forms, landing pages, and automation, making it a comprehensive solution.

When it comes to pricing, EngageBay offers more flexibility, allowing you to choose a pricing tier that aligns with your business’s needs. Zoho CRM Plus, on the other hand, has a fixed pricing plan starting at $50 per month when billed annually.

Pipedrive vs. EngageBay

Pipedrive is a straightforward sales CRM platform that focuses on enhancing sales reps’ productivity and streamlining the sales process. While it has its strengths, EngageBay surpasses it in several aspects.

EngageBay provides a more powerful and comprehensive solution, including advanced marketing automation, a social suite, web rules, site messaging, and web analytics. It also offers helpdesk software for effective customer engagement, which is missing in Pipedrive.

When comparing pricing, Pipedrive follows a tiered approach starting at $11.90 per month for essential features and going up to $74.90 per month for enterprise-level features. Pipedrive charges separately for add-ons, such as live chat and web forms, which are included in EngageBay’s pricing.

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