Dubble Review: Is It the Answer to Your Documentation Woes?


Dubble is a revolutionary tool designed to make documentation effortless. By observing your actions as you work, Dubble automatically translates them into clear, step-by-step guides, videos, and screenshots. This means you can focus on your tasks without the hassle of manual documentation. Let’s explore how Dubble simplifies the documentation process and boosts productivity.

What is Dubble?

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Dubble is an innovative tool designed to simplify the process of documentation. Traditional documentation methods can be tedious, time-consuming, and often neglected due to their complexity. However, Dubble changes the game by automatically documenting your actions as you work.

Imagine having a virtual assistant that observes everything you do on your computer and translates those actions into comprehensive written guides, instructional videos, and helpful screenshots. That’s precisely what Dubble does. It watches your every move, whether it’s navigating through software interfaces, executing commands, or completing tasks, and then transforms those actions into easily understandable documentation.

With Dubble, you no longer need to spend hours manually documenting your processes. Instead, you can focus on your work while Dubble takes care of the documentation in the background. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your documentation is always up-to-date and accurate.

The best part? You don’t have to lift a finger. Dubble handles the entire documentation process for you, saving you time and eliminating the hassle of manual documentation. Plus, with Dubble’s intuitive interface and user-friendly features, creating and maintaining documentation has never been easier.

Who can benefit from Dubble?

Here’s a detailed look at who can benefit from using Dubble:

  • Support Teams: Support teams deal with a wide range of inquiries and issues from customers on a daily basis. Dubble can streamline the process of documenting common support procedures, troubleshooting steps, and FAQs. This ensures that support agents have access to up-to-date information and best practices, leading to faster issue resolution and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Operations Teams: Operations teams are responsible for ensuring that business processes run smoothly and efficiently. Dubble can help operations managers document standard operating procedures (SOPs), workflow guidelines, and compliance requirements. By standardizing and automating documentation processes, operations teams can increase productivity, reduce errors, and ensure consistency across operations.
  • Product Teams: Product teams are constantly developing and updating software products, features, and functionalities. Dubble can assist product managers and developers in creating comprehensive product guides, documentation, and tutorials. This enables product teams to communicate product features effectively to users, accelerate user onboarding, and provide ongoing support and training.
  • Employee Onboarding: Employee onboarding is a critical process for organizations to ensure that new hires are integrated smoothly into the company culture and workflows. Dubble can automate the creation of employee onboarding documentation, including training materials, company policies, and procedural guidelines. This simplifies the onboarding process for HR managers and helps new employees get up to speed quickly.
  • Internal Procedures: Every organization has internal procedures and protocols that employees need to follow to ensure operational efficiency and compliance. Dubble can document these internal procedures, including IT protocols, security measures, and administrative processes. This ensures that employees have access to clear and concise instructions for completing tasks and adhering to company policies.
  • Customer Support: Providing exceptional customer support requires having comprehensive documentation of product features, troubleshooting steps, and support processes. Dubble can assist customer support teams in creating and maintaining detailed support documentation, including FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and instructional videos. This empowers support agents to resolve customer inquiries quickly and efficiently.
  • How-To Guides and Tutorials: Organizations often need to create how-to guides, tutorials, and instructional materials for various audiences, such as customers, employees, and stakeholders. Dubble simplifies the process of creating these materials by automatically capturing and documenting workflows, processes, and procedures. This allows organizations to create high-quality, informative guides and tutorials with minimal effort.
  • Fast Screen Recordings & Screenshots: Dubble’s ability to capture screen recordings and screenshots quickly makes it ideal for creating visual documentation. Whether you need to demonstrate a software feature, troubleshoot an issue, or provide step-by-step instructions, Dubble’s screen recording and screenshot capabilities make it easy to capture and share visual information effectively.

In summary, Dubble is a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of users and use cases. Whether you’re looking to standardize internal procedures, streamline customer support processes, or create engaging product documentation, Dubble can help you achieve your documentation goals with ease.

Dubble Features

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Let’s explore some of Dubble’s key features in detail:

1. Automated Documentation: Dubble’s primary feature is its ability to automatically document your actions as you work. Whether you’re navigating through software interfaces, performing tasks, or troubleshooting issues, Dubble captures every step and translates it into written guides, videos, and screenshots. This automated approach eliminates the need for manual documentation, saving you time and effort.

2. Real-time Documentation: With Dubble, documentation happens in real time as you work. As you perform tasks or complete processes, Dubble immediately captures the steps and creates documentation on the fly. This ensures that your documentation is always up-to-date and reflects the latest workflows and procedures.

3. Standardization and Scalability: Dubble is ideal for teams and organizations looking to standardize and scale their documentation efforts. By automating the documentation process, Dubble helps maintain consistency across various departments and teams. This ensures that everyone follows the same best practices and procedures, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

4. Fast Screen Recordings & Screenshots: Dubble offers fast screen recording and screenshot capabilities, allowing you to capture your screen with ease. Whether you need to demonstrate a process, highlight a feature, or provide visual instructions, Dubble makes it simple. You can quickly record your screen, annotate screenshots, and incorporate them into your documentation.

5. Integration with Chrome Extension: With the Chrome extension, Dubble seamlessly integrates into your web browsing experience, allowing you to capture and document online activities effortlessly. Users can activate the extension with a single click, enabling Dubble to record their interactions with web applications, websites, and online tools in real-time.

How does Dubble work?

Dubble is an innovative tool designed to simplify the process of creating and maintaining documentation for various tasks and processes. With its user-friendly features and seamless integration, Dubble makes it easy for individuals and teams to record, edit, and share step-by-step guides, tutorials, and onboarding resources.

  1. Record: The first step in using Dubble is to record your actions. With just a simple click, Dubble starts capturing your screen as you perform tasks. Whether it’s demonstrating a software feature, walking through a process, or providing a tutorial, Dubble records everything in real-time, ensuring no step is missed.
  2. Edit: Once your recording is complete, Dubble allows you to make quick edits to enhance your documentation. You can add descriptions, markup important points, redact sensitive information, or even replace screenshots with better ones. The editing process is intuitive and efficient, enabling you to fine-tune your guides in seconds.
  3. Share: Sharing your documentation is effortless with Dubble. With just a click, you can instantly share your guides with colleagues or clients. Additionally, you can invite team members to collaborate on editing and recording guides together, fostering teamwork and knowledge-sharing. Dubble supports seamless integration with various platforms like Notion, Confluence, Google Docs, and Trainual, allowing you to easily paste your guides wherever your knowledge resides.
  4. Chrome Extension: Dubble’s Chrome extension further enhances its usability. With the extension installed, you can initiate recordings directly from your browser, making it convenient to document web-based processes or interactions. This streamlined approach ensures that you can capture and document tasks without interrupting your workflow.

With Dubble, creating and maintaining documentation has never been easier.

How much does Dubble cost?

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Here is how much Dubble costs:

PriceFree (forever!)$12 USD/User/mo (annually)Talk to them
Features– Unlimited instant documentation– Document together– Documentation at scale
– Add to Chrome — It’s free!– Include video and audio recordings– SSO (SAML)
– Unlimited guides– Grab new screenshots from your video– Manage multiple workspaces
– Image editing and redaction– Invite collaborators– User administration
– Blur sensitive content before recording– No watermarks on video or images– Advanced integrations
– Embed & Share anywhere– Free private viewers
– Unlimited private viewers
Start Free 14-day Trial

Free Plan: The Free plan offers unlimited instant documentation, unlimited guides, image editing and redaction, the ability to blur sensitive content before recording, and unlimited private viewers. It’s ideal for individuals or small teams who want to get started with basic documentation needs without any cost.

Pro Plan: The Pro plan allows users to document together with features like including video and audio recordings, grabbing new screenshots from videos, and inviting collaborators. It also removes watermarks from videos or images and offers free private viewers. This plan is suitable for teams that require collaboration and additional features for documentation.

Enterprise Plan: The Enterprise plan is designed for large-scale documentation needs. It offers features such as SSO (SAML) for security, managing multiple workspaces, user administration controls, and advanced integrations tailored to enterprise requirements. For pricing and further details, interested users need to contact the sales team.

Dubble Pros and Cons

Dubble Pros

  • Automated Documentation: Dubble automatically generates step-by-step guides, videos, and screenshots as you work, saving you time and effort in creating documentation.
  • Easy Editing: You can quickly edit descriptions, markup, and screenshots within Dubble’s interface, making it convenient to customize your documentation.
  • Shareability: Dubble allows you to easily share your guides with a single click, making it simple to distribute information among team members or clients.
  • Flexible Collaboration: Dubble makes it easy to collaborate with team members by inviting them to edit and record guides together, streamlining the documentation process.

Dubble Cons

  • Limited Templates: While Dubble offers templates for various purposes, the number of templates available is not as extensive as other platforms, limiting options for customization.
  • Learning Curve: Some features of Dubble, particularly integrations, may have a learning curve, requiring users to invest time in understanding the platform fully.
  • Blogging Restrictions: Dubble’s free and personal plans impose limits on the number of blog posts allowed per website, which may be restrictive for users with extensive content needs.
  • Integration Complexity: Integrating with third-party domain providers or existing domains may pose challenges for users unfamiliar with the process, requiring additional time and effort to set up.

Dubble Alternatives

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There are several alternatives that offer similar features and functionalities, each with its own unique approach. Let’s take a closer look at some of these alternatives:

1. Scribe

Scribe is a tool that automatically generates step-by-step guides for any task. It captures your processes behind the scenes while you work, simplifying the documentation process.


  • Automatic Generation: Scribe auto-generates visual step-by-step guides based on your workflow.
  • One-Click Sharing: Share Scribes instantly with others, and the links are always up to date.
  • Customization: Personalize instructions with customizable text, steps, and images.
  • Security: Protect sensitive information with auto-redaction and enterprise-grade security.

2. Guidde

Guidde allows you to create visual documentation that your customers and team will love, ten times faster. It simplifies the process of recording and sharing step-by-step guides.


  • Easy Recording: Capture workflows with a browser extension and customize guides with text-to-speech voiceovers.
  • Custom Branding: Make guides on brand with custom text, annotations, and branding.
  • One-Click Sharing: Share guides internally or externally with one click on any channel.
  • Embedding: Embed visual articles in existing tools like Notion, Zendesk, and Salesforce.

3. HelpXplain

HelpXplain offers a unique approach to technical documentation, allowing you to create animated step-by-step tutorials and quick instructions in minutes.


  • Creative Slideshows: Create slideshows arranged on a canvas to spark creativity.
  • Animated Tutorials: Create animated step-by-step tutorials using simple screenshots.
  • Standards-Compliant: All Xplains are 100% standards-compliant HTML5 and JavaScript.

4. Jumpshare

Jumpshare is a platform that combines file sharing, screenshot capture, and video recording into one convenient tool for instant sharing of work and ideas.


  • Instant Sharing: Share work and ideas through instantly shareable links.
  • File Preview: Preview over 200 file formats instantly, making it easy to showcase your work to clients.
  • Drag-and-Drop Sharing: Drag files to the Jumpshare menu bar icon for quick sharing.

Each of these alternatives offers unique features and benefits, so explore them to find the one that best fits your documentation needs. Whether you’re looking for automatic generation, customization options, or creative approaches to documentation, there’s a tool out there for you.


In conclusion, Dubble is a game-changer for anyone who needs to create and maintain process documentation. Its intuitive interface and automated recording make it easy to generate step-by-step guides, tutorials, and onboarding resources without the hassle of manual documentation. Whether you’re a support team, operations team, or product team, Dubble simplifies the documentation process, saving you time and effort. With its free plan offering unlimited instant documentation and affordable Pro plan with additional features, Dubble caters to a wide range of users. Overall, Dubble receives a solid verdict as a highly recommended tool for streamlining documentation tasks and improving productivity in any workplace setting.

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  1. What is Dubble?

Dubble is a tool that helps you create and maintain process documentation effortlessly while you work. It automatically translates your actions into step-by-step guides, videos, and screenshots.

  1. Who can benefit from using Dubble?

Dubble is suitable for anyone who needs to create and update process documentation, including support teams, operations teams, and product teams.

  1. How does Dubble work?

Dubble watches your actions as you work and records them to create documentation. You simply press record, do your tasks, and Dubble generates the documentation for you.

  1. What can I use Dubble for?

You can use Dubble for various purposes, such as employee onboarding documentation, internal procedures, customer support guides, software product guides, tutorials, and creating fast screen recordings and screenshots.

  1. Is there a free version of Dubble available?

Yes, Dubble offers a free plan with unlimited instant documentation. You can use it forever without any cost.

  1. What features are included in the Pro plan?

The Pro plan includes additional features like the ability to document together with collaborators, include video and audio recordings, grab new screenshots from your videos, and invite collaborators without watermarks on videos or images.

  1. How much does the Pro plan cost?

The Pro plan is priced at $12 USD per user per month if billed annually. There’s also a free 14-day trial available to test out the Pro features.

  1. Is there an Enterprise plan available?

Yes, Dubble offers an Enterprise plan for organizations that need documentation at scale. For pricing and details, you can contact the Dubble sales team.

  1. What integrations does Dubble support?

Dubble integrates with various tools and platforms, allowing you to embed and share your documentation anywhere. Some of the supported integrations include Notion, Confluence, Google Docs, and Trainual.

  1. How often can I update my documentation with Dubble?

You can update your documentation at any time with Dubble. If your processes change, simply go back and record new steps or pull screenshots from old recordings to keep your documentation up to date.

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